Joel Holm is certified as both a Civil Mediator and a Family Law Mediator. I have extensive experience in both Family Law Mediation and Civil Mediation.
Why go to mediation? In most cases, the Court will require the parties to go to mediation before they can proceed to trial. The parties can also agree between themselves to go to mediation at any time prior to trial even without the Court ordering it.
Parties to litigation need to keep in mind that proceeding to trial in litigation is very time consuming and very expensive. The Courts have very limited amounts of time for trials and so it is not unusual for a trial to be reset several times before the matter actually comes to trial. Lawsuits in Harris County, Texas often take up to a year before they come up for trial in County Civil Courts At Law and often take up to 18 months before they come up for trial in a District Court. This is a long time to wait to resolve your dispute. Mediation which results in a mediated settlement can shorten that time.
Perhaps the greatest benefit of mediation is that the parties themselves create their mediated settlement and can agree to provisions of the settlement that are unique to them and their circumstances. They can agree to provisions that a court would probably never give them on its own accord. A mediated settlement takes away the uncertainty that is inherent in all trials since you can never be sure of any particular outcome in a trial.
Some of the matters that Joel Holm is certified to mediate are the following:
- Divorce cases **
- Custody matters **
- Property divisions
- Probate matters
- Estate matters
- Real Estate matters
- Lease disputes
- Business diputes
- Contract disputes
** Please note: At this time, we do not mediate matters in which CPS is involved.
Our law firm was founded on the idea of helping those in need of legal services and mediation services. Ever since our firm was established, we have endeavored to provide the best legal services for our clients.
Our firm is dedicated to integrity, excellence, and maintaining the highest standards of the law.
Joel Holm is happy to talk to you about the legal questions that you have and the legal and mediation services we provide.